Zonotrichia Leucophrys Nuttalli

Zonotrichia Leucophrys Nuttalli by Sharon Beals

United States

Bird nests, even without knowing which birds constructed them, seem hardly possible. Creations of spider’s web, caterpillar cocoon, plant down, mud, found modern objects, human and animal hair, mosses, lichen, feathers and down, sticks and twigs–all are woven with beak and claw into a bird’s best effort to protect their next generation. Photographer Sharon Beals’s homage to the amazing avian builders. Photographed for her book, Nests: Fifty Nests and the Birds that Built Them. Chronicle Books, April 2011

The nests were photographed in four science collections: The California Academy of Sciences, The Western Foundation of Vertebrate Zoology, The Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, the Cornell Museum of Vertebrates, and the American Museum of Natural History.

Subject Details:
Nest of Nuttall’s White Crowned Sparrow
The nest was collected in 1991 in Pt Reyes California from the prunings from a camelia bush
Eggs are from another nest of the same species
White hair in nest is from Great Pyranees dog living nearby
Photographed at the California Academy of Science

Custom Options:
Framed Paper Prints with Border: 29” | 38” | 60”| Available with UV Plexi or Museum Optimum.
Framed Prints with No Borders (print to edge): 29” | 38” | 60” | Available with UV Plexi or Museum Optimum.
Framed Prints with No Borders (print to edge) on Aluminum: Please Inquire.

Price Upon Request. 

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