Aleutian Sandpiper

Aleutian Sandpiper by Sharon Beals

United States

Aleutian Sandpiper
Calidris ptilocnemis couesi

Nome District, Alaska, collected in 1935
The California Academy of Sciences

This small but stocky sandpiper breeds in tundra along the Alaskan Pacific and in Russian Islands along the Bering and Chuksa Seas. The total population of the species may not not exceed more than 100,000. Though most of the nest building is done by the male, as part of their courtship rituals, the female joins him in making the first scrapes in the ground. Nests are often built on moss, and filled with willow leaves, sedges and lichens, the male shaping these into a deep cup with his body.

The nests were photographed in four science collections: The California Academy of Sciences, The Western Foundation of Vertebrate Zoology, The Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, the Cornell Museum of Vertebrates, and the American Museum of Natural History.

Subject Details:
Calidris ptilocnemis couesi
USA: Alaska: Nome Dist; Wales
Nest Number 5945
Coll. Name – NumberTeruk, D. – 235A Collected 21 Jun 1935 Eggs Taken 4
a small collection of twigs and leaves, box size about 5 inches square

Custom Options:
Framed Paper Prints with Border: 29” | 38” | 60”| Available with UV Plexi or Museum Optimum.
Framed Prints with No Borders (print to edge): 29” | 38” | 60” | Available with UV Plexi or Museum Optimum.
Framed Prints with No Borders (print to edge) on Aluminum: Please Inquire.

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