Riparia Riparia

Riparia Riparia by Sharon Beals

United States

Bank Swallow
Riparia riparia

Ocean Beach, San Francisco, collected in 1960
The California Academy of Sciences

Bank Swallows nest in cliff faces and river banks, often in large colonies; the air around it alive with these lovely birds hawking insects in dipping, swerving flights. After a migration of 5000 miles, a mated pair excavates a three-foot long tunnel, filling a nest cavity with a simple grass or twig platform. This nest, collected at Ocean Beach was insulated with gull feathers. The colony at Ocean Beach is one of their last coastal nesting sites, and a wondrous sight with chicks sitting at the tunnel entrances waiting for their next delivery of insects.

The nests were photographed in four science collections: The California Academy of Sciences, The Western Foundation of Vertebrate Zoology, The Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, the Cornell Museum of Vertebrates, and the American Museum of Natural History.

Subject Details:
Bank Swallow Nest
Nest collected from Ocean Beach, San Francisco, CA
Collection of The California Academy of Sciences
Bank Swallow
Riparia riparia
North America, USA, California, San Francisco Co, San Francisco
Ocean Beach 06 June 1960
CAS 10759 Eggs 8551

Custom Options:
Framed Paper Prints with Border: 29” | 38” | 60”| Available with UV Plexi or Museum Optimum.
Framed Prints with No Borders (print to edge): 29” | 38” | 60” | Available with UV Plexi or Museum Optimum.
Framed Prints with No Borders (print to edge) on Aluminum: Please Inquire.

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